Long time no blog, I know. As if anyone actually reads this thing. This is my first entry of 2010 and half the year is gone. I kind of forgot about this blog, or I just decided it was pointless, but I started it when I was unemployed last year and I guess I'm returning to it now for the same reason...boredom. In May I finished my first feature film, "Channel News" and since then I have been submitting it to various film festivals across the country. In June it had its premiere at the 2010 Underground Exposure Film Festival in Minneapolis where it won the award for Best Minnesota Feature.
I'm excited to see where else it will play but lately I have just been getting a lot of rejection letters. That's to be expected in the indie film biz but it always hurts a little. Finances are tight right now and I am looking hard for any kind of editing gig I can find. I may have to return to another reality TV gig if I can't find anything film related which would suck but I have to make money somehow. In the meantime I have an idea for my next feature and I'm trying to work up the nerve to start writing it.
I am an artist of many disciplines including film, music, and sometimes body painting. I graduated from Biola University in 2008 with a bachelor's degree in motion picture production and currently reside in Los Angeles, CA.